
Search by jurisdiction: none
Soft matching: none
Signing dates: no sandwiching, year is required
Transcribing: allowed

The initiative ID for Accelevate is the letter in the bottom right corner of the page. The Accelevate job is City of Dallas only, and you should be able to search with just month and day, since the searches will automatically be limited to the city only.

Circulator Declarations

The shorthand is the

  1. first letter of the first name at the top of the form
  2. first letter of the last name at the top of the form
  3. first letter of county
  4. first letter of the first name below the signatures
  5. first letter of the last name below the signatures

Enter the signing date and check the boxes only if signed by the circulator, signed by the notary, notary title handwritten, and notary stamped.


You can now search in birthdate mode with either month and day, or month, day, and 2-digit year. "407smi" and 40783smi" will both work. This will help you quickly find voters with common names.

In Texas, the Smart Search will filter the results by county instead of by street name when you enter a third word. 123sm j trav will search in Travis County only. Similar to how you can filter by municipality in Michigan. Because a voter can match by birthdate anywhere in the state, this feature is only useful if birthdate search was fruitless and you are searching by address.

Dittos are allowed on everything but legal signature. While a signing date is required on every line, treat dittos on signing date the same as if they filled out the date.

If birth date, female first name, and address match, it is a hard match even if last name differs.

Complete birth date or voter ID number is required. If neither are written, tag -b0.

City is required, although like usual the city can be abbreviated. The abbreviation can be anything at all, even nothing more than an H for Houston. Only a completely missing city is -c0. As always, the city doesn't need to match, because people sometimes write a neighborhood or pre-annexed town name. State and zip are not required, and zip code is no substitute for city.

County is required. Whether it needs to match depends on whether the address matches. If the address matches the voter file, the county written must match what's in brackets in the database. If the address does not match or the voter is not found at all, then it doesn't matter what the county is, so long as one is written. It is -o0 if the county is missing. It is 0 if the address is correct, but the county is wrong.

Only name and birthdate match = #
Name, address, and county match, and birthdate is similar = #
Name, address, and county match, but birthdate is wrong = 0
Name, birthdate, and address match, but county is different = 0
No county is written = -o0

House number can be written over, if you can match by birthdate, and birthdate can be written over if you can match by address so long as you can somewhat make out a matching birthdate. If you can find the voter and the house number could possibly match what's in the voter file, accept it as a match. If not, accept as a non match, no deficiency.

Signature lines are not physically numbered. Furthermore, there are multiple signature pages per section. Don't flag when you see lines 11-20, 21-30, 101-110, and so on.

Only the pages that load a circulator declaration form need the declaration filled out. In Texas, the circulator only has to complete the declaration on the last signature page they turn-in. Don't be alarmed while validating signatures to see blank declarations below. It's only a bad dec if the dec form loads in Sigtrack.